Saturday, August 20, 2016

Corning: Glass Samsung Galaxy Note 7 scratched knife, not … – Mobiltelefon.Ru

August 20, 2016, 20:10

Two days ago, you showed your Samsung Galaxy Note 7 test ustochivost scratch . New glass Corning Gorilla Glass 5 as video showed them quite unstable. Scratch it, as it turns out, you can even metal knife (or more precisely, a special Stick, but for simplicity, we call it a knife) toughness 3. Previous Corning glass scratched with hardness 6-7! Editorial Android Authority, perturbed such downgrade, decided to contact the manufacturer of the protective composition of the comments, and that gave a surprising answer. According to her, three knife hardness do not scratch the glass – it is knife stёrsya on the screen! metal particles are transported to the surface of the screen and created the illusion of a scratch.

However, Android Authority editors do not spend it! The video shows that each additional knife scratch the screen better than the last. If there was a transfer of the metal on the glass, then this effect looks quite unexpectedly. Corning specialist seems very confused, trying to explain it: “There is a dependence on the difference in the hardness of materials, but in particular, the pressure is very important. So you can with a lot more pressure to make a soft stick and achieve such a result, if it is a solid stick with a lower pressure. The combination of pressure and the difference of the hardness of the contacting materials define the transfer. ” This statement put us into a dead end: it is obvious that the transfer should be minimal at equal hardness; then, according to the citation, the pressure increase will decrease the amount of carried material. This is contrary to common sense.

Finally, Corning theory of transfer of the material can not withstand one more test. Author video, apparently suspecting the transfer of particles with a knife on glass, specially wiped “illusory scratch” with a rag, and it has not disappeared. Editorial Android Authority suggested that metal particles were to disappear from the glass after wiping. However, Corning explained that wipe particles from the metal glass can be very difficult. However, even if we are dealing with indistinguishable from scratching the transfer material is not found in previous generations of Gorilla Glass, is whether it is important for user?

 UMI Super

© Ilya Nerybov. Mobiltelefon

According to the materials


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